Specialist in Endocrinology and Internal Medicine
Exam:Licenciate of Medicine (MD), 1981 Specialist in Internal Medicine, 1988 Specialist (subspecialty) in Geriatrics,1991 Academic dissertation, 1991 Docent (adjunct professor) in Internal Medicine, 1993 Specialist in Endocrinology, 1997 Special competence in the treatment of diabetes, 1997
Language skills:Finnish, Swedish, English
Clinical work has been the most essential part of my work career. I have also had a privilege to engage in academic clinical studies, education and general health promotion with various patient organizations and medical associations.
At the moment I am chairing Finnish Medical Society Duodecim which is by far the largest scientific organization in Finland and I have also been active in Good Medical Practice guidelines (osteoporosis and various diabetes areas). By taking part in international scientific congresses and by extensive network I keep my competence up-to-date.
My appointment times are 30 minutes but you can book also double-time, if more convenient.