The commonest reasons why women choose to visit a gynaecologist are menstruation problems, abnormal bleeding and yeast infections. As well as determining the problem, the gynaecologist performs an internal examination and examines the breasts. A cervical smear test and an ultrasound scan are performed when necessary.

An ultrasound scan in conjunction with the consultation is an important, reliable and pain-free examination. This examination is especially justified in the following situations:

  • pain in the lower abdomen
  • excessive bleeding
  • when a benign tumour or cancer are suspected
  • contraception planning
  • examination of childlessness
  • at the beginning of pregnancy and during pregnancy

You can easily make an appointment with the specialists below using our online booking system.


Typical gynaecologicial procedures

  • surgery in the uterus or fallopian tubes
  • endoscopic surgery
  • labiaplasty
  • prolapse surgery
  • incontinence surgery
  • sterilisation
Gynaecologists at Eira Hospital
Kilpio_Olivia.jpg Kilpiö Olivia Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology Book an appointment
Mikkola_Tomi_Sakari.jpg Mikkola Tomi Sakari Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Urogynecology Book an appointment
Rangdell_Ritva.jpg Rangdell Ritva Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology Book an appointment
Söderström-Anttila_Viveca.jpg Söderström-Anttila Viveca Specialist in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive endocrinology Book an appointment
Tuomikoski_Pauliina.jpg Tuomikoski Pauliina Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology Book an appointment
Next available appointments
30 min
Rangdell Ritva
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Eira Medical Centre
I also offer remote consultations, if needed. If You wish to book a remote appointment, please call our customer service tel. 09 1620 570.
30 min
Rangdell Ritva
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Eira Medical Centre
I also offer remote consultations, if needed. If You wish to book a remote appointment, please call our customer service tel. 09 1620 570.
30 min
Rangdell Ritva
Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Eira Medical Centre
I also offer remote consultations, if needed. If You wish to book a remote appointment, please call our customer service tel. 09 1620 570.
Show next available appointments
Price list
Gynaecology Price
Appointment with a gynaecologist
Pap smear and ultrasound not included
from 140 €
Kilpiö Olivia, gynecologist
Mikkola Tomi Sakari, Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Urogynecology
Rangdell Ritva, Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Söderström-Anttila Viveca, Specialist in Gynecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive endocrinology
Tuomikoski Pauliina, Specialist in Obstetrics
Gynaecological examinations and tests  
Pap smear 73 €
Mammography and breast ultrasound examination (requires referral) See price list
Chlamydia and gonorrhea test 85 €
HPV test (papilloma virus)
156 €
HPV + pap smear  200 €
Cube pessary* 61 €
Ring pessary* 25 €
Anaesthesia in connection with a gynaecological procedure
34 €
Ultrasound examination of the uterus, secondary organs and lower abdomen through the vagina 
from 130 €
Hormonal IUD*
169 €
Copper IUD NovaT300*
169 €
Copper IUD FlexiT*
109 €
IUD installation (incl. gynecologist's appointment, ultrasound examination) from 290 €
Gynaecological procedures
VAT 0%
Eira Terveystili**
TVT incontinence surgery, local anaesthesia and sedation
3461 € 295,40 €/month
Hysteroscopy, under anaesthesia
4102 € 348,80 €/month
Uterine prolapse surgery, under anaesthesia 6442 € 543,83 €/month
Hysterectomy, under anaesthesia
7484 € 630,67 €/month
An outpatient clinic fee 29,70 € is added to the price of the appointment. Kanta-fee 3,30 € will be charged from every appointment that involves saving information to the Kanta archive. For specialist-specific prices, see the specialist's personal profile page. * Prices inc. VAT 25,5% ** Eira Terveystili financing: 12 months of interest-free installments (incl. administration fee 84 €).
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