Eira Hospital and Medical Centre

Booking Mon-Fri 8-16

09 1620 570


In-patient unit 24/7

09 1620 200


Eira Hospital and Medical Centre open Mon-Thu 8-20, Fri 8-16

Laivurinkatu 29
00150 Helsinki

Online booking is an easy way to make an appointment.

Opening hours


Eira Medical Centre










Customer service number 09 1620 570




In-patient unit 09 1620 200

24h every day


Our main unit is situated in the corner of Laivurinkatu and Tehtaankatu in Helsinki. A reception, an information desk and a cashier are to be found in Laivurinkatu 29 entrance. You are welcome to check in at the reception or at the self-service desk.

Laivurinkatu 29
Medical Centre

  • GP and specialists
  • Entrance to Operations
  • Occupational health
  • Vaccinations
  • Laboratory
  • X-ray
  • Physiotherapy
  • Eye surgery unit

Tehtaankatu 28
entrance to Eira Hospital's Surgery and Operations

Arrival information:
Arriving from the center of Helsinki: busses 20 and 30 as well as trams 1 and 3 stop at Eiran sairaala.
It’s mostly easy to find parking spaces along the neighboring streets.

Contact us

Counseling services

Our client advisor will gladly help you find the right service or the right contact person at Eira Hospital. They will assist and give advise in any matter that concern Eira Hospital. Please send an email to palveluneuvoja@eiransairaala.fi.

Customer service number 09 1620 570. Please note that appointments cannot be cancelled via email.

You can also send encrypted emails to Eira Hospital: Send encrypted email  

Patient documents

We only accept written requests for the handover of patient documents. For the request, please fill out the patient document request form. Download the form here.

Please send the request to:

Eiran sairaala
Laivurinkatu 29
00150 Helsinki

The documents must be picked up in person at our reception. Please be prepared to prove your identity with a photo ID, so we can verify your identity. If you want someone else to pick up your document, they need a power of attorney. The above form can also be used for this. The holder of the power of attorney must prove their identity with a photo ID.

If you cannot pick up the documents, they can be sent as a registered letter to be picked up personally from the post office (not with a power of attorney). A domestic registered letter is charged 22 € and a registered letter abroad is charged 37 €. An invoice will be attached to the letter.

Patient contact person

If necessary, Eira's patient contact person will assist in filing a patient injury report. The patient contact person does not take a position on the patient's medical treatment decisions or whether an error or damage has occurred in the treatment.

Primarily contact the person who provided the treatment.

If you are dissatisfied with your care or treatment at Eira, we recommend that you first clarify the matter with the person who treated you.

NB! On January 1, 2024, patient ombudsman services at private healthcare providers will end, and will be transferred to wellbeing services counties (Act on patient ombudsmen and social ombudsmen 739/2023). After the change, if necessary, you will be in contact with the patient affairs officer of your own wellbeing services county.

Natascha Wrede, potilasyhteyshenkilo@eiransairaala.fi


Invoicing information

Inquiries about invoices: laskutus@eiransairaala.fi.


Care units

Please feel free to contact the department if you already are a patient of it or if you want more detailed information.

Medical Centre
Tel 09 1620 570

Occupational health 
Tel 09 1620 500

Surgical department
Tel 09 1620 600

Ward department
Tel 09 1620 200

Plastic surgery department
Tel 09 1620 630

Alcohol Addiction department
Tel 09 1620 200

Eye surgery department 
Tel 09 1620 300

Tel 09 1620 700

Tel 09 1620 800

Company management 

Managing Director Nella Ginman-Tjeder

Head Physician Anna Back
anna.back(at)eiransairaala.fi 09 1620 570 (switchboard)

Other contact details

CFO Marika Nikunen

Marketing Manager Pirjo Luostari

Property Manager / Management assistant Lena Hedström
