ICL as an alternative to laser surgery

ICL refers to a lens similar to a soft contact lens, which during surgery is placed between the eye's natural lens and the iris. The lens bends (refracts) light on the retina which produces clear vision. The lens adapts completely to the eye and is not noticeable at all. ICL is a good option if the refractive error is large or the cornea is particularly thin.

In excimer laser surgery for severe nearsightedness the optical zone is quite small compared to the optical zone achieved by ICL lens. That is why ICL offers the best possible quality of vision for severe nearsightedness. 

ICL lenses are manufactured by the Swiss pharmaceutical company STAAR, and the lenses made of patented collamer material. Collamer is a tissue-friendly, very soft and light material.

from Pre-examination to ICL surgery

Before ICL surgery a preliminary eye examination at Eira Hospital is performed. In the examination the suitability for ICL surgery is assessed.

In the preliminary examination, the refractive power of the eye, intraocular pressure, curvature of the cornea and the condition of the fundus are examined and the dimensions of the eye are measured.

If ICL surgery is deemed possible for you, we will book you a paid appointment with the operating eye surgeon. The surgeon will analyze the preliminary examinations made by the hospital optician. Afterwards you will be ordered a made-to-measure ICL from the manufacturer. When the delivery time of the ICL is confirmed, the date of the surgery is agreed with the eye surgeon.

Stages of ICL surgery

The surgery is performed a few weeks after the preliminary examination. It is done under local anesthesia and takes about half an hour.

  1. A 3 mm incision is made in the eye, which will close without stitches.
  2. The ICL is installed between the lens and the iris.
  3. You can go home approximately two hours after the operation.

Follow-up examinations are scheduled individually.

Risks of ICL surgery

Complications of ICL surgeries can be intraocular inflammation, increased intraocular pressure or the development of cataracts. These side effects are rare, but always possible. That is why it is necessary to check your eyes regularly. After ICL surgery, you will be on sick leave for two weeks, and you will need to apply antibiotic eye drops in the operated eye for two weeks.

A popular method backed by years of experience

ICL has been in use worldwide since 1993, when the first ICLs were fitted to people. Since then, ICL has already been installed on tens of thousands and the number is growing steadily.

The ICL eye surgeons at Eira Hospital have completed the international qualifications required for ICL surgeries, bringing ICL surgeries within everyone's reach.

Book a free optician's pre-examination

Our hospital optician maps the health of your eyes using extensive examinations and assesses whether ICL surgery is suitable for you.

Visiting our optician's free preliminary examination does not obligate you to make an appointment for surgery.

Contact lenses cannot be used for a week before the preliminary examination or surgery. The examination will use pupil dilating eye drops that blur near vision for the rest of the day.

Book a free pre-examination
Mon 10.2.
1 h 0 min
Valonen Emilia
Eira Medical Centre
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Mon 10.2.
1 h 0 min
Valonen Emilia
Eira Medical Centre
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Mon 10.2.
1 h 0 min
Valonen Emilia
Eira Medical Centre
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Show next available appointments
Surgeons performing ICL operations in Eira
Kukkonen_Kirsi-Tiina.jpg Kukkonen Kirsi-Tiina Specialist in ophthamology, Ophthalmic surgeon Book an appointment
Price list
ICL vision correction surgery Price VAT 0 % Eira Terveystili*
Optician's pre-examination, incl. surgeon's evaluation 0 €  
ICL vision correction surgery
2994 €/eye 256,50 €/month
ICL surgery with astigmatism correction 3678 €/eye 313,50 €/month
Follow-ups Price
1 month after surgery with ophthalmologist 155-190 €  
6 months after surgery with optician 71 €  
Kukkonen Kirsi-Tiina, Specialist in ophthamology, Ophthalmic surgeon    

An outpatient clinic fee 29,70 € is added to the price of the appointment. Kanta-fee 3,30 € will be charged from every appointment that involves saving information to the Kanta archive. For specialist-specific prices, see the specialist's personal profile page. *Eira Terveystili: e.g. with a 12 months interest-free installment (includes administration fees 84 €)..
