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Booking info

  • Varicose Vein Surgery, Vascular Surgery
  • Wednesday 3/26/2025
  • 9:00 AM (30 min)
  • Eira Medical Centre
    Laivurinkatu 29
    00150 Helsinki
  • karoliina-halmesmäki.jpg
    Halmesmäki Karoliina
    Consultant in Vascular Surgery


Halmesmäki Karoliina

Consultant in Vascular Surgery
Energetic and sunny vascular surgeon, who focuses mainly on treating varicose veins. To find the most suitable treatment for an individual suffering from varicose veins is my mission. The symptoms and their correlation to the ultrasound  examination is discussed during an appointment. The most suitable, convinient, and efficient treatment option is discussed and treatment modality is chosen together with an individual. 

You are welcomed to book a time to Eira Hospital and we can discuss about your situation!