Laboratory price list

Health examinations

Health examinations Price
Alcohol consumption test (B-PEth)
90,50 €
Vitamin B12 (S-B12-TC2) 63,00 €
Vitamin D (s-D-25)
66,00 €
Ferritin (S-Ferrit) 59,50 €
Folate (fS-Folaat) 90,00 €
Calcium(fS-Ca) 37,50 €
Cholesterol, lipid profile (P-Lipid) 76,00 €
Sugar stress test (Pt-Gluk-R1) 91,00 €
Blood count, complete (B-TVK+TKD) 70,50 €
Blood count, basic (B-PVK+T) 41,50 €
Blood sugar (fP-Gluk) 30,00 €
Blood sugar monitoring, longterm (B-HbA1C) 68,50 €
Night polygraphy, narrow (sleep registration at home) 389,50 € 

Allergy, asthma and lung examinations

Allergy, asthma and lung examinations Price
Spirometry study 108,50 € 
Lung function test under medication (Pt-BrDil)
The test requires a doctor's referral.
154,50 €

Gynecological and urological examinations

Gynecological and urological examinations Price
Gynecological bulk cell sample (Pt-PAPA-1)
73,00 €
Prostate function test (P-PSA) 76,00 €
Prostate cancer risk test (Stockholm3 test) 469,00 €
Testosterone (S-Testo) 111,00 €

Infection examinations

Infection examinations Price
Bacterial culture from urine (U-BaktVi)
31,00 €
Bacterial culture from feces (F-BaktVi1) 102,00 €
Borrelia antibodies (S-BorrAb) 95,50 €
C-reactive protein (P-CRP) 40,00 €
Mycoplasma pneumoniae, antibodies (S-MypnAb) 100,50 €
Salmonella culture, feces (F-SalmVi) 53,00 €
Fungal cultivation, nail, skin (Sk-SienVi) 98,00 €
Streptococcal test, pharynx (Ps-StrAAg)  41,50 €
Streptococcal culture, pharynx (Ps-StrVi) 50,00 €

Thyroid tests

Thyroid tests Price
Thyroid test, free Triiodothyronine (S-T3-V)
104,00 €
Thyroid test, Thyrotropin (S-TSH)
65,50 €
Thyroid test, free Thyroxine (S-T4-V) 65,50 €

Muscles and joint examinations

Muscles and joint examinations Price
Creatine Kinase (S-CK)
47,50 €
Gout test (P-Uraat) 30,00 €
Rheumatism test (S-RF) 46,50 €
Rheumatoid test, citrulline peptide, antibodies (S-CCPAb) 67,50 €

Venereal disease tests

Venereal disease tests Price
Chlamydia test from first urine (U-ChtrNhO)
83,50 €
HIV test (S-HIVAgAb) 77,00 €
Chlamydia and gonorrhea test from first urine (U-CtGcNhO) 85,00 €

Heart and blood circulation examinations

Heart and blood circulation examinations Price
Hertta heart attack and diabetes risk test
206,50 €
Coronary artery disease risk assessment (fS-LipoB) 72,50 €
Cardiovascular disease risk assessment, sensitive CRP (S-hsCRP) 51,00 €
EKG (Pt-EKG-12) 65,00 €
ECG long-term registration Zenicor
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks

308,50 €
375,00 €
441,00 €
485,00 €
Cardiac stress test, stress EKG (Pt-KIR-tje) 411,00 €
24-hour heart monitoring, Holter-EKG (Pt-EKG-24/48h) 411,00 €
24-hour heart monitoring, Symptom-driven ECG (EKG, OIRE 3-6 days) 352,00 €
Chronic heart failure test (P-proBNP) 104,00 €
Sed rate (B-La) 24,00 €
Blood coagulation test, Thromboplastin time (P-TT-INR) 42,00 €
Long-term registration of blood pressure 432,00 €

Stomach, liver, kidney examinations

Stomach, liver, kidney examinations Price
Pancreatic Test (P-Amyl) 30,00 €
Calprotectin (F-Calpro) 129,50 €
Celiac package, narrow 44,50 €
Celiac package, medium 70,50 €
Celiac package,extensive 95,50 €
Lactose test, DNA test (B-Lakt-D) 77,00 €
Stomach health examination, Gastropanel (fP-GastPan) 290,00 €
Liver test (P-ALAT)
30,00 €
Liver test (P-ASAT) 30,00 €
Liver test (P-Gt) 30,00 €
Liver and bone test (P-Afos) 30,00 €
Alcohol abuse monitoring, Desialotransferrin (S-CDT) 100,50 €
Kidney test, Creatinine (P-Krea) 30,00 €
Fluid balance test, Potassium (P-K) 30,00
Fluid balance test, Sodium (P-Na)

The home visit fee is 90 € with a referral from an Eira physician, and the price includes travel costs within the Espoo-Helsinki-Kauniainen-Vantaa area. An outpatient clinic fee of 29,70 € and the Kanta-fee of 3,30 € are added to the price of the  home visit.